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Events for Christians - Social events for single Christians

The Mother Lode

This is a Christian Connection member-organised meetup.

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11 July 2024, 7:45pm to 8:30pm

Apologies for the change I have a situation and I need to reschedule thisI would love to invite fellow professional women aged between 48 to 58 who are also lone parents of children for a 45-minute natter about practical ways you manage your household. I would love to hear from and meet with you. Its a session to share and discuss. To hear and to be heard.
These women would be happy to meet like-minded women and have an open discussion on the highs and lows of managing their households.

I am hoping that this session would be a safe space for women who are dedicated to their personal growth and who would like to build connections with other like minded women.

Information correct as of July 27, 2024 09:06

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